Be a Challenge Ambassador!

We’re excited to announce the Champion the Cure Challenge Ambassador Program! We
invite our most engaged participants and friends of The Challenge to join us in trialing
the program to generate additional awareness and participation in our events.
We appreciate your interest and look forward to working with you to build our
ambassador program.

Who we’re looking for:
• Highly engaged Champion the Cure walkers, runners, cyclists, paddlers, and trail riders who are passionate about
improving the lives of Mainers affected by cancer.
• Individuals who are excited about spreading the Champion the Cure Challenge message and helping the event grow.
• Individuals with skills in one of the following areas: social media, content creation, team recruitment, or community

The primary job of an ambassador is to generate excitement, encourage participation, and help others understand how The Challenge is making a difference.

Ambassador perks:
• Complementary registration for Champion the Cure Challenge event of your choice.
• A Champion the Cure Challenge swag pack.
• A Challenge Store coupon for discounts on Champion the Cure Challenge merchandise.

What we ask of ambassadors:
• Be active on at least one of the following: Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, X, or a blogging platform.
• Make a social media announcement announcing your participation as an ambassador.
• Through September, post at least monthly on topics of your choice with the hashtag #CTCChallenge. We ask that you regualrly share our post to spread the word.
Share graphics and ideas, but what you post is up to you—be creative and have fun! Topic ideas to consider include:
• Which Champion the Cure Challenge event(s) you’re participating in
• Event details (date, time, website, route information, etc.)
• Why you take The Challenge
• Encourage others to join your team or form a new one
• Encourage others to help you reach your fundraising goal
• Event preparation tips
• Impact stories – how The Challenge is making a difference in research and patient care (we’ll provide examples)
• Recruit at least three people to sign up for The Challenge. We’ll give you a special discount code to help.
• Tell your friends, family, running/paddling/cycling/trail riding group, and co-workers about The Challenge.
• Provide feedback about your experience so we can continue to improve the ambassador program.

Our ambassadors are Challenge representatives and consultants—we welcome your tips, feedback, and new ideas. We appreciate your partnership in The Challenge and your commitment to defeating cancer right here in Maine.

To sign up to be an ambassadoe please reach out to Mike at